Work Packages

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 WP1 - Management [Months: 1-84]

WP1 consists of the management activities. It aims at coordinating and validating the project development and results, and at ensuring that EC financial and administrative procedures are respected. In addition, this WP will testify that there is an efficient communication and coordination between all partners of this project. For that purpose, a project management team will be established. The project team will be comprised of Project Coordinator, Project Manager, WP leaders.

  • Task 1.1: Overall supervision;
  • Task 1.2: Administrative and financial management;
  • Task 1.3: Knowledge and information flow management;
  • Task 1.4: Quality assurance.

WP2 - CPSBB building [Months: 1-54]

  • Task 2.1: Public tender for the CPSBB building;
  • Task 2.2: Construction of the CPSBB.

WP3 - Equipment and infrastructure [Months: 13-72]

  • Task 3.1. Providing all CPSBB departments with general equipment;
  • Task 3.2. Providing unique specialized equipment;
  • Task 3.3. Upgrading and maintenance.

WP4 - Employment of personnel [Months: 1-72]

  • Task 4.1. Employment of core research personnel.
  • Task 4.2. Employment of additional personnel (including part-time and auxiliary personnel).

WP5 - Fundamental research [Months: 1-84]

  • Task 5.1 Fundamental research of the PlantaSYST partners.
  • Task 5.2. Research collaboration with other research entities.

WP6 - Applied research [Months: 1-84]

  • Task 6.1. Plant Cell Biotechnology.
  • Task 6.2. Synthetic Biology.
  • Task 6.3. Vegetable Breeding.

WP7 - Services [Months: 1-84]

  • Task 7.1. Bioinformatics services. They will be implemented as stand-alone software tools with interactive graphic user interface that are easy-to-use for non-experts. The free availability of the developed tools will allow better collaboration with the partners across the involved institutes. In addition, other existing libraries and tools will be integrated in a platform, which will allow a unified way to analyze heterogeneous data sets from the CPSBB. Furthermore, data analysis service for transcriptomics and metabolomics data, including differential data analysis and data exploration in the pathway context (e.g., MapMan, GO ontology) will be provided.
  • Task 7.2. Metabolomics services. Mass spectral analysis and data evaluation will be offered as service-for-fee with set rates being given for general profiling by either GC-MS and LC-MS and specific requests being subject to a different fee. Either provision of spectra, or evaluation of spectra or both will be provided.
  • Task 7.3. Services in the field of plant biotechnology. Isolation and identification of natural
  • Task 7.4. Soil fertility. Offering services related to soil fertility and plant defence to crop producers and manufacturers and plant breeders by applying modern methods for analysis and diagnostics (e.g., next generation sequencing combined with metabolic profiling to provide knowledge how to optimize soil fertility by advanced organic or non-organic.

WP8 - Education and training [Months: 25-84]

  • Task 8.1. Organization of events (including courses, workshops, and conferences)
  • Task 8.2. Establishment of School of Advanced Horticulture.

WP9 - Funding and technology transfer [Months: 25-84]. The work in WP9 will be done in two main directions: 1) third party funding and 2) technology transfer.

  • Task 9.1. Third party funding
  • Task 9.2. Technology transfer, start-up support, commercialization, I -management, and communications

WP10 - Dissemination [Months: 1-84]. Two main tasks, Promotional campaign and Publications, will be pursued during the CSA.

  • Task 10.1. Promotional campaign
  • Task 10.2. Publications

Two categories of publications are expected during Phase 2: scientific publications in specialized major peer-reviewed journals and non-scientific publications in other journals, printed, and online media for the purpose of PlantaSYST & CPSBB popularization and support.